
Thursday 26 July 2012


This is a special recipe of my Patti (Granny). A healthy drink for all ages.


  • Curd : 1 cup
  • Water : 1/2 cup
  • Salt : as required
  • Mint Leaves (Pudina) : a hand full (+/- according to taste)
  • Coriander Leaves ('Hara Dhania' in Hindi & 'Kothumalli Thalai' in Tamil):  a hand full (+/- according to taste)
  • Curry Leaves ('Kadi Patta' in Hindi & 'Karuvepilai' in Tamil) :  a hand full (+/- according to taste)
  • Small Onion : 4 nos


  1. Grind mint leaves, onions, coriander leaves and curry leaves first.
  2. Then to it add curd, water and salt. And grind them using a blender.
  3. Filter the liquid to remove the course particles .
  4. Serve it chill.


  • Add more curd if a thick consistency is needed.
  • Add more water if a thin consistency is needed.

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